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Fake TV Burglar Deterrent

Fake TV Burglar Deterrent



MSRP: 29.99


FakeTV is a burglar deterrent that makes it look like someone is home watching television. Fake TV does this by recreating exactly the sort of light produced by a real HDTV. Viewed from outside the home after dusk, it looks like somebody must be watching television. Most burglars will not break into an occupied house. Why risk prison? So, when a prowler sees that flickering glow that means someone is home watching TV, he knows to move on to an easier target. When you are away, FakeTV says "alive" far more than a lamp on timer ever could. Buy a FakeTV and make your home an unappealing choice for a break-in.



  • Point at shades or translucent window coverings
  • Light output equivalent to 27" LCD TV
  • Makes a burglary less likely
  • Built-in Light Sensor/Timer
  • AC Adapter included



  • Assembled Depth (in.) : 2 in
  • Assembled Height (in.) : 2.5 in
  • Assembled Width (in.) : 3 in
  • Color : White










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